Follow your passion, it will lead you to your purpose!”
Marc Dinardo
From an early age, Marc always enjoyed being in the water and started working in the fitness industry at the age of 16, as a lifeguard and swim instructor.
Over the years, Marc has competed at district and national level with a keen interest in teaching others how to swim competently.
Marc was fortunate enough to have opportunities to be involved in sports coaching programmes both in the UK and USA working with a wide range of abilities and age groups.
The fitness industry seemed an obvious route to pursue but it wasn’t the only area Marc was interested in…
After leaving school, Marc initially sought to pursue a career in software engineering, after all, technology is the future.
After gaining 5 years experience working in demanding IT roles, Marc set to pursue his enjoyment of teaching and decided it was time for something new…
The Decision

It was May 2015, Marc was working as a full-time software engineer, managing a complex trading system within investment banking.
However, working with the global out of hours support team,
there was no work-life balance, the systems had to remain operational 24/7.
Fitness levels had taken a massive hit, and in June 2015, Marc decided it was time to leave banking behind to pursue a more rewarding career.
It was the best decision Marc ever made!
New Beginnings

In 2015, Marc enjoyed the summer exploring the Isle of Skye and later took on the role of Activities Manager for a busy English summer school.
This was just what Marc needed to lift his spirits once again and get back to a reasonable level of fitness.
Later that summer, Marc completed his studies to
become a REPS accredited Personal Trainer and
started his journey towards becoming a Sports Therapist.
With renewed energy, Marc launched Fitness Is My Life in September 2015.
Marc’s Mission
To help others achieve an overall feeling of wellbeing in their lives and achieve improved levels of health and fitness.
We believe everyone should be given the opportunity to become the best possible version of themselves and thrive in good health”
FItness Is My Life Mission Statement